Monday, May 28, 2012

Winding Down

 As you may have noticed, blog posts and pictures have slowed down a little. The last few days have been full of people and experiences. Now, we are spending our last night in Chogoria. There is a very bittersweet feeling in the house.
 Today we said some of our first goodbyes. We finished our time at Village Hopecore International. Only a few tears were shed, but memories and friends were made that will last a life time.
 Tomorrow we leave at 10:00 am to head to Nairobi. We will stay one night in Nairobi and then take a flight to our resort where we will stay until Friday, when we will fly back to Nairobi and then catch our first international flight home.
 Tonight, we are packing, journaling and printing off pictures to give to people tomorrow. Our last morning in chogoria will be a very emotional morning followed by a long drive.

I am not sure if I will have a chance to blog anymore on this trip. We will stay one night in Nairobi, but I will not be bringing the computer to the resort.

There will be more posts and more pictures once we are home with unlimited internet and time. Can't wait!

Until then, (or maybe tomorrow, if I have time) thank you so much to those of you who have kept up with this blog. It means so much that we got to over 2,000 views and that you all enjoyed the posts and the pictures.

To close, I want to extend congratulations to my friend Allison, who commented a few times on this blog. She had a beautiful baby boy (on Sunday I think.) CONGRATS!


  1. Thank you Beth for all your updates and photos. It has been wonderful following the team and all your experiences in Chogoria. This trip will be a wonderful memory for everyone on your team.
    Have a great time on the safari and safe travels to everyone!
    Kathy (Jacie's mom)

  2. Can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures! Miss you all and praying for your daily! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
