Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday, Sunday

What a Sunday we had here in Chogoria! It was much more full than we had planned, but at the end of the day...I think we all enjoyed ourselves.

Church service today at the P.C.E.A. lasted three hours. We arrived at 10:30 to the sound of loud and joyous music pouring from the small stone church at the bottom of the small hill near the school. When we walked in, few people had arrived. (African time.) And we were just enjoying the music and greeting people we had already met earlier in the day.

The service was pretty wonderful to be a part of. These people are so full of faith and are not afraid to show it. There were many songs and dancing. During the sermon, the people respond to what is being said. It wasn't as flamboyant as some, but a short mhm, chuckle or nod of agreeance let's the reverand know he has their attention.

 The children are all dressed up in their Sunday best. Some sit quietly, others bounce in the pews to the beat of the music and many roam the aisles and play outside in the grass and the small entrance that has some seating. The children were less afraid of us today and many came up to say hello to the teachers or shake our hands as we passed.
The church is actually going to be replaced very soon. The congregation and church council hopes to be in a much larger new church that is being built up the hill from the old one. With this larger church, services won't get as hot, singing will sound better and they will be able to include the girls' boarding schools in some of the school services and church services.

Going to church this morning was a really fun way to bond with the community. For offering at this church, if you do not have shillings to contribute, you can bring a small trinket or some produce. Today, Amy and I both purchased necklaces, a live chicken was auctioned off and some fresh fruit was bought for us. Participating in this offering helped us to show the community that we are here to work and experience their community and culture.


  1. The little ones with suckers remind me of all the little kids with suckers at our church after the children's sermon. Even Klae had one today for volunteering to help with children's time. :)
